Monday, September 26, 2016

26-30 September:

3K - Kindergarten:
This week in Spanish class, students will review and continue to master the various topics that they have studied thus far.  The material that they are currently learning includes:  greetings, farewells, feelings, questions, colors, numbers 1-15, days of the week, months of the year, and animals.

First Grade:
This week first graders will continue reviewing the material that they have learned thus far. They will continue to combine the topics in order to form conversations and complete sentences verbally in Spanish.  In addition, they will be working on adjective agreement this week.

Second Grade:
This week second graders will continue to practice the topics that they have learned up to this point.  In addition, they will continue to master two new songs which include many new words and expressions.  

Third Grade:
This week third graders will continue to add various verbs and adjectives into their vocabulary notes.  They will continue to write sentences as well as communicate verbally in order to describe themselves and others in Spanish.

Fourth Grade:
This week fourth graders will continue to review and practice the various topics that they have learned thus far.  In addition, they will continue to write sentences, add new verbs, nouns, and adjectives to their vocabulary, as well as communicate verbally and in writing.

Fifth Grade:
This week fifth graders will review and expand upon the topics that they have learned thus far, which include: greetings, farewells, numbers 0-100, classroom expressions, parts of the body, and classroom objects.  In addition, they will learn how to tell time in Spanish as well as express what they like to do in their free time.

Sixth Grade:
This week fifth graders will review and expand upon the topics that they have learned thus far, which include:  greetings, farewells, numbers 0-100, classroom expressions, parts of the body, classroom objects, how to tell time, as well as express what they like to do in their free time. Students will learn the subject pronouns in Spanish and how to conjugate verbs ending in -ar in the present tense.

Monday, September 19, 2016

19 - 23 September:                

3K - Kindergarten:
This week students will master greetings, introductions, goodbyes, numbers 1-10, colors, days of the week, months of the year, feelings, and animals.  They will review this material through various songs that they have learned as well as activities in class to reinforce these points.

First Grade:
This week first graders will be reviewing all of the material that they have learned thus far through a cumulative activity.  In addition, they will be learning how to put all of their vocabulary together in Spanish to create a conversation between two people.

Second Grade:
This week second graders will be reviewing all of the material that they have learned thus far through a cumulative activity.  In addition, they will be learning two new songs that combine many new vocabulary words and expressions.

Third Grade:
This week third graders will be reviewing all of the material that they have learned thus far through a cumulative activity.  In addition, they will continue to write sentences using various new adjectives and verbs in order to describe themselves and others.

Fourth Grade:
This week fourth graders will be reviewing all of the material that they have learned thus far through a cumulative activity.  In addition, they will review the classroom objects and expressions of courtesy, as well as the definite and indefinite objects that go before nouns in Spanish.

Fifth Grade:
This week fifth graders will be reviewing all of the material that they have learned thus far through a cumulative activity.  In addition, students will be practicing and reviewing page 22 in their Spanish books for a quiz on the sections:  to greet someone, to ask and tell how someone is, and to say goodbye.  The quiz will take place on 26 September during class.  Students will continue to formulate sentences in Spanish by adding more nouns, adjectives, and verbs to their vocabulary.

Sixth Grade:
This week sixth graders will be reviewing all of the material that they have learned thus far through a cumulative activity.  In addition, students will be practicing and reviewing page 22 in their Spanish books for a quiz on the sections:  to ask and tell how someone is, to say goodbye, and to tell time. The quiz will take place on 22 September during class.  Students will continue to formulate sentences in Spanish by adding more nouns, adjectives, and verbs to their vocabulary.

Monday, September 12, 2016

12-16 September:

This week in Spanish class students will be learning and reviewing greetings and good-byes, feelings and emotions, colors, numbers, animals, classroom objects, expressions of courtesy, as well as the days of the week and months of the year.

In the fifth and sixth grade classrooms, students will be learning how to express the time and weather in Spanish.  In addition, they will study the varying climates in Spanish-speaking countries at different times of the year.  Students will be able to convert the temperature from Celsius to Fahrenheit in Spanish.  They will review the material that we have covered thus far including:  greetings, good-byes, classroom objects, days of the week, the date, months of the year, weather, seasons, numbers 0-100, parts of the body, and various questions.